SeraphCorp Institute

Educational Imagoes

Course Overview

Do you want to attend TA training but are short of time? Experience our bite-sized online TA learning workshops. Each workshop series comprises online sessions on Zoom, for between 2 to 4 hours at a time. Sessions within a workshop series are self-contained, so you don’t need to sign up for all sessions within a workshop series. Register (and pay) only for the dates that you can attend!

We conduct these workshops regularly, so look out for our announcements on social media, or the TA facebook groups.

Educational Imagoes

  • 2-hour online sessions on Zoom
  • 7 sessions conducted on a monthly basis
  • Based on the article Identifying Educational Philosophy and Practice through Imagoes in Transactional Analysis Training Groups by Trudi Newton
  • Explore the six theories of adult education and associated philosophies in application as an educator

Interested? Contact us at to find out more or scan the QR code to indicate your interest and sign up.

Approach to Learning

Our approach is application-focused, with experiential activities and a safe co-created space for discussion with fellow TA practitioners around with world.

Course Suitability

This programme is suitable for

Educators or anyone involved in learning or teaching who have attended a TA101. Non-educators who are interested are also very welcome (although you will also need a TA101).

SGD$50 per session (before GST), or SGD$275 for all 7 sessions.

2025 Dates*

Sessions Dates
Session 1: Overview and Liberal Education 30 April
Session 2: Progressive Education 28 May
Session 3: Humanistic Education 30 July
Session 4: Technological Education 20 August
Session 5: Radical Education 24 September
Session 6: Dogmatic Education 29 October
Session 7: Integration 26 November

* All sessions are from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, Singapore time.