- Our Services
Transformational Learning that changes lives and communities
You need to identify the leadership capabilities essential for your organisation to thrive and grow? We can partner you to work this out.
For most organisations, leadership development is a priority. For us, it is a mission we have embraced since our founding. Day in and day out, we work hand in hand with our clients to boost their human potential and organisational performance through a three-prong approach of consulting, training, and coaching and counselling.
Today, our clientele includes leaders and managers from all sectors and industries, while the companies we work with span the spectrum from SMEs to global corporations.
Our Services
WSQ Courses
Bespoke Programmes
SeraphCorp Certificate In Coaching
Transactional Analysis
Workshops -
Coaching Services

We are a Training Provider appointed by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), a statutory board under the Ministry of Education (MOE). This board drives and coordinates the implementation of the national SkillsFuture movement, promotes a culture and holistic system of lifelong learning through the pursuit of skills mastery, and strengthens the ecosystem of quality education and training in Singapore.
In particular, we facilitate WSQ leadership programmes in the Retail and Intellectual Property frameworks (formerly known as Leadership and People Management (LPM) modules). These modules help to benchmark corporate leadership capabilities and provide a leadership development roadmap for business leaders. These leadership programmes also enable leaders and managers to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and practices through structured and peer learning.
In 2022, SeraphCorp was one of the Training Providers appointed to deliver learning programmes aligned to the Critical Core Skills (CCS) framework.

Our solutions are never lifted off a template. We offer actionable solutions crafted for your organisation. That is to say, your organisation gets the bespoke programme that is exactly what it needs. This can be a one-day workshop. Or an eighteen-month long journey.

The Seraph Certificate in Coaching modules allow the learner to discover himself/herself as a coach, and to experience the psychological concepts and coaching methods firsthand before applying it in his/her individual coaching practice. Our learning methods include blended learning, reflective practice, case studies, group discussions, practical coaching sessions and group and individual mentor coaching.
Be prepared to come with coaching topics that you can use for practice with you coaching partner(s), and to coach others in turn. Assessment methods include: reflective journals, written tests and an evaluation of a coaching recording. Post learning is anchored by an invitation to experience coaching firsthand from a SeraphCorp coach.
The average faculty-learner ratio is 1:15. Modules are on a part-time basis. Our learners are adults who are preparing for a career transition into the role of an executive coach, or leaders / supervisors who would like to add coaching as a crucial tool to their leadership toolbox. They are also existing certified coaches who would like to add a psychological modality to their style of coaching. Job roles include executives, managers, senior executives, business or team leaders and coaches.
Click HERE to read about our Learning Philosophy.
Click HERE to read about our statement on Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Justice.

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a form of social psychology founded by Dr Eric Berne. It provides a theory of personality (using the ego-state model), a theory of communication of interpersonal behaviour (using the concept of transactions and strokes) and a theory of child development (using the concept of a life script and life positions).
Since its inception more than 60 years ago, TA has developed four fields of practice: psychotherapy, education, organization and counselling. It combines a highly accessible theory on the development of people and systems with
a highly practical approach, centred on the possibilities of growth and development.
Home to Singapore's first two Certified Transactional Analysts (CTAs) specialising in the education and organisational fields, SeraphCorp provides the quintessential TA learning. From TA101 to advanced TA training to preparing for the international TA qualifying examinations.

What is a leader? A leader is someone who is able to bring about change – including in himself.
We offer coaching to leaders on:
• How to be better leaders
• How to coach their organisation
Very often, after a workshop with us, leaders of organisations would come to us asking us to guide them in implementing insights and solutions from that workshop. That was how our coaching programme began.
In our coaching, we hold insightful and reflective conversations with our participants. We serve as neutral sounding boards: asking the tough questions, listening to darkest concerns and providing answers grounded in the real world. Often, we find coaching surfaces what is not conscious, allowing participants to address organisational issues on a deeper level. In coaching, we see ourselves as navigators, helping our leaders spot and navigate decision biases, blindspots and other blinders.
We offer coaching either as a component of a bespoke programme, or as a standalone offering. Coaching is usually conducted one-to-one, and can be structured for a team.