The science and art of learning
The Difference
We’re about a different kind of learning.
We are not the biggest leadership training institute in the market. Nor are we the most glamorous. What we are is simply good honest craftsmen offering interventions that will make a real difference to you and your organisation.

This is how we do it our way:
We’re craftsmen,
not cookie cutters. -
We are about leaders
leading leaders. -
How Do We Seraph?
Ethics matter to us.
We Believe in Inclusivity.
We see ourselves as craftsmen facilitating the art of growing leaders. Like craftsmen, we give each facet of our programmes the time and attention it deserves. Just as we offer each leader the time and attention he requires. Our goal is pure and simple: to have every organisation and every leader come away from our programmes fundamentally changed in some way.
Like craftsmen, we manage the learning process with care, patience and precision. Our three-step process involves:
On your invitation, we go in and identify your organisation’s learning edge and needs through interviews, focus groups, surveys and meetings with your stakeholders.

We identify what interventions will be appropriate for your needs and custom design interventions to address these needs. For example, we may devise programmes to expand the capacity of key personnel who perform in leadership roles within the organisation.

We measure the efficacy of our designed interventions thoroughly. It matters to us that they work for you.

SeraphCorp is a learning community of leaders. Because we believe that it takes a leader to guide leaders, we carefully curate and assemble our team from the ranks of leaders. Our faculty members have been variously CEO, CFO, general manager, founders of companies, head banker and director. Our team boasts extensive experience in the fields of: aviation, civil service, engineering, banking, manufacturing and property development.
The strength of our faculty stands on two legs:
• The strength of our faculty members’ experience as leaders in industry, and
• Their experience as leaders of learning. This, we build in our team members each and every month.
The SeraphCorp team is guided by our purpose and core values. Our vision is to impact communities positively through equipping and empowering leaders in organisations and in the community. We have five core values: i. Purpose
ii. People
iii. Honour
iv. Integrity
v. Excellence
Our purpose and core values are regularly communicated to the team. They are also communicated as part of the on-boarding process of new team members. We review our purpose and core values every three years as part of our regular review of organisational and business strategy. |
One thing that defines us is our ethos. Simply put: it matters to us that we run an ethics-based practice.
Our clients trust us. They let us into their world. They trust that we will help them. And we are compelled to discharge honourably that trust.
This means a few things.
It means that on every project, we hold ourselves accountable to our clients and to the government. It means that we hire only people who share our values and our vision. And it means that we keep on learning.
These few pledges translate to very substantial commitments on our part. It means that:-
We measure all our results. We care about delivering real results. And so we ardently measure if we delivered what you paid for. We chiefly measure the difference our programmes make on the learner and in the organisation. We also measure whether our clients successfully implemented what was taught in the workplace and if the result was worth the money spent.
• Employee engagement score
• Turnover rate
• Absenteeism rate
• Profitability of the company
• Organisational health
Click HERE to read more about our PDPA policy.
Click HERE to read more about our statement on Ethics, Integrity and Transparency.
Click HERE to read more about our Ethical Marketing Agreement.
Leaders leading learning

Measurement of the results is independent and unbiased.
We equip our trainers with the andragogy skills to understand the learning needs of adult learners so that they can teach adults better. We also equip them with all the tools of contemporary Transactional Analysis. Contemporary Transactional Analysis is an integrative approach to the theory of psychology and psychotherapy. It is a cognitive behavioural approach to treatment and an effective way of dealing with internal models of self and others as well as other psychodynamic issues. To ensure that our knowledge and skills stay current and relevant, we regularly close the company for capacity building. Every year, for instance, we shut down SeraphCorp for a couple of weeks and fly down thought leaders and industry experts to train us.
To eliminate blind spots about ourselves, we regularly submit ourselves to the rigorous and independent assessment of global boards such as the International Transactional Analysis and the European Association for Transactional Analysis. We are also regularly audited by our government stakeholders.