SeraphCorp Institute

SCC Module 1: Coaching 101

Course Overview

Teams don’t want a manager; they want a coach. They want a coach that can help them identify and achieve their personal, professional and organisational goals. Not a sage on the stage. They want a guide by the side. Ideally, a guide by the side with the right skills to facilitate a meaningful coaching conversation. Coaching as a manager takes specific skills and know-how and we can facilitate this learning.

In Coaching 101, we take a look at how you can build coaching relationships with your team, help them identify and set goals, and provide them with the guidance and support they need. Finally, we look at how continuous feedback can help motivate and encourage your team to improve performance and accelerate organisational growth.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, learners should be able to: 

  • Use the strategies shared during the course to help develop a growth mindset (OK-ness)
  • Use a coaching approach in performance management with team members
  • Apply the skills acquired from this programme to guide their team members in their career development plans
  • Craft a coaching approach to guide and develop their team members to the benefit of their organisation after the programme
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Approach to Learning

Our Critical Core Skills programmes are engaging and interactive. Our learning methods include integrated gamification (Lego!), blended learning, reflective practice, group discussions and scenarios. Come prepared to be involved and to learn from our faculty and your peers. Assessment methods include: written tests, reflective journals, oral presentations and project work. In addition, post-programme learning is anchored by a variety of ways, including an invitation to join a post-learning community, and in some modules, 1 to 1 coaching.

The average faculty-learner ratio is 1:15. Modules are on a part-time basis. Our learners are adults who are preparing for a career transition, job change or re-entry into the workforce. They are also working professionals and executives who manage change at the workplace. Finally, they are leaders who need to support business resilience and transformation. Job roles include executives, managers, senior executives and business or team leaders.

Course Suitability

This programme is suitable for

Managers, high-performing executives, supervisors, team leaders or those holding technical roles. 

Minimum Requirement

Learners will have to have at least 5 GCE ‘O’ Levels (C6 for ‘O’ level English) or 3 years work experience in a supervisory position to enrol in this programme.

Singaporean 40 yrs and above Singaporean under 40 yrs old Permanent Residents 21 years old and above
Course Fee $700 $700 $700
Funding $490 $350 $350
Nett Fees Payable $210 $350 $350
9% GST of Course Fee + $16.35 (admin fee) $79.35 $79.35 $79.35
Total Nett Fees Payable $289.35 $429.35 $429.35
All Singaporeans and Permanent Residents Singaporean 40 yrs and above Singaporean under 40 yrs old Permanent Residents 21 years old and above
Course Fee $700 $700 $700 $700
Funding $490 $490 $350 $350
Nett Fees Payable $210 $210 $350 $350
9% GST of Course Fee + $16.35 (admin fee) $79.35 $79.35 $79.35 $79.35
Total Nett Fees Payable $289.35 $289.35 $429.35 $429.35


All Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their $500 SkillsFuture Credit from the government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses. Visit the SkillsFuture Credit website ( initiatives/mid-career/credit) to choose from the courses available on the Training Exchange course directory.